Friday, January 30, 2009

Fish Health Management Final Exam

minggu depan aku akan menghadapi exam akhir utk paper fish health management. tarikh blum confirm lagi, sma ada ahad, isnin atau selasa ni. subjek yg agak tough utk aku score semester insyaAllah..dengan masa yg ada ni, aku akan lengkapkan diri sebaik-baiknya, mudah-mudahan aku berjaya macam yang aku peroleh semester lepas. nway, aku cuba gunakan kesempatan yg ada dgn menulis sedikit sebanyak overview of the course subject.

well, the course is about learning the disease which usually occurs either to the cultured fishes or to the wild fishes. earlier, fishes can be separated into many types or forms which usually came from the fish itself (teleosts or elasmobranch), crustaceans (shrimps and crabs), bivalves (clams, cockles, etc) and many other aquatic life (vertebrates or invertebrates).

diseases among the fishes especially among the cultured fishes is one of the main factor to affect the aquaculture sector of the entire world as they are known as the substantial source of monetary loss to aquaculturist. however, disease can be avoided if the fish health management with the best management practices (bmp) is applied at the aquaculture farms. BMP is the key of preventing any fish disease to outbreak. once the fishes are sick, it is difficult to salvage them.

Fish Health Management
successfulnes of the fish health management is measured by the proverbs of prevention is better than cure. preventing disease from outbreak is important rather than the treatment given to the sick fish. prevention of disease in the farm can be done by having good water quality, good nutrition, good sanitation and regular/daily observation of fish behavior and feeding activity of the fishes. disease among the fishes occurs by many pathogenic factors such as infections of bacteria, virus, parasites, protozoans, myxozoans as well as stressful condition due to many non-infectious factors (abiotic factors). many conditions is recognized as the medium of the disease outbreak; suboptimal water quality, poor nutrition and immune system supression.

medication treatment to cure any disease occurred acts as buying time for the fish and enabling them to overcome opportunistic infections. usually medication only success if implemented at the early stage of infections, where the fish is still in good shape. fish disease cause huge monetary loss to aquaculturist from the increased of production to cover the dead fish, cost of treatment, and if there are fish which survived, decreased growth of the fish during convolescence. high stocking density leads to the increases of stress among the cultured fish which increase the infectious of fish disease.

disease has strong relationship of pathogens, fish hosts and the environmental conditions for them to outbreak. the sickness among fishes is obvious sign when there are dead fish or dying fish. however, it is good if the observation can be done earlier as early as the fish is considered sick. fish is considered sick if they are not feeding normally and show lethargic motion. the sick fish might also hanging listlessly at shallow water, gasping at the surface and rubbing against any substrate. severe infection also shown by the presence of sores, ragged fins and any abnormal body shapes or structure of the fishes.

when the disease is detected, firstly, we need to check the water quality. low of oxygen and high ammonia content cause stress condition which lead to bacteria disease. generally, the DO, ammonia nitrite and ph level is the major physico-chemical water parameter to be checked. ideally, record keeping should be available because it can be the immediate references whenever the fish disease is occur. it will help to solve any fish disease problem. the record data should includes the date of the stocking fish, size of the stocking fish, source of fish, feeding rate, growth rate, daily mortality and water quality readings.

there are two major group of disease among the fishes which can be divided into infectious disease and non-infectious disease. infectious disease caused by pathogenic organisms found in the environment or carried by the other fishes. they are contagious diseases and can be controlled by some treatment. in contrast, non-infectious disease caused by environmental problems, nutritional deficiencies or genetic anomalies. they are not contagious, and usually cannot be cured through medication treatment.

however, fish disease outbreaks are often complex, involving both infectious and non-infectious processes. there are many public laboratories and institutional available to diagnose the fish disease. which can assist us in any problems regarding of the fish health. well, that is all i can wrote. it is not a complete but only the introduction of the course overview. there are still be more information to be discuss but i am too tired to wrote now. hope to continue again later..good nite..daaa